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With the weather getting warmer, it's important to understand how to keep your pups cool. Dogs are more prone to heat exhaustion and heat stroke because their fur coats don't provide the same level of protection as human skin does from the sun. Read this

With the weather getting warmer, it's important to understand how to keep your pups cool. Dogs are more prone to heat exhaustion and heat stroke because their fur coats don't provide the same level of protection as human skin does from the sun. Read this

Dog owners are all too aware of the dangers that come with summer. One such danger is heat exhaustion. Heat exhaustion in dogs is often caused by strenuous exercise or exposure to high temperatures...

dogsHeatstrokes are a very serious condition and can be fatal for dogs. Dogs are sensitive to heat in ways that humans aren't, so it's important to keep an eye on your dog when the weather starts getting hot this summer. If you see any of these symptoms, take